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Trace Metals Analysis by ICP-MS

Trace Metals Analysis by ICP-MS

ICP-MS Analysis of Trace Metals

Measuring the classification and quantities of multiple metals in large numbers of water samples is essential for effective safety and quality monitoring. Accurate yet high-throughput solutions, such as Agilent's precise, matrix-tolerant ICP-MS system, is needed to effectively analyze metal levels, from low ppt traces to high % concentrations, across a wide dynamic range.

In particular, ensuring quality in the key areas of drinking and waste water is essential to the protection of human and environmental health. Such applications demand the highest levels of sensitivity to ensure compliance with relevant environmental protection laws, and processes must be carried out in an efficient and cost-effective manner.

 Analysis of drinking water supplies involves ascertaining the amount and nature of chemicals and contaminants present, such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), pesticides, herbicides, heavy metals and volatile compounds. To protect health, there are stringent regulations on what is safe for consumption in both tap water and bottled supplies, and sensitive trace measurement solutions are required.

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