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Agilent's Materials Declaration Requirements

Material Declaration Overview

Agilent prefers that its suppliers provide a RoHS compliance declaration using the form we provide when requesting data.

  • If a supplier is unable to provide a declaration using the Agilent form, the minimum Agilent will accept is a Certificate of Compliance (COC)
  • However, the use of a COC will require more frequent interaction between suppliers and Agilent as regulations change.


Agilent requires hazardous and restricted material composition data for the purchased materials used in Agilent's products, including parts procured on Agilent's behalf by third parties, such as contract manufacturers, distributors, and third-party logistics suppliers. To meet the various requirements of our customers and product chemical content restrictions imposed by numerous country laws and regulations, Agilent must maintain material composition data on hazardous substances.

Agilent requests data about regulated hazardous substance content of materials in order to trade in legal compliance worldwide - we do not ask suppliers about other, non-regulated substances. Agilent's General Specification for the Environment (GSE) consolidates all material restrictions into one document, which covers environmental laws in the Americas, Asia-Pacific and Europe.

Agilent's Materials Declaration Requirements sets forth materials and substances that must be reported to Agilent on a general basis. It not only includes a list of banned substances, but also defines the process for completing the report and returning the information to Agilent.

Receiving a Materials Composition Data Request

If your company receives a material composition data request from Agilent, please cooperate with the request when it is received, regardless of whether your sales are direct to Agilent or exclusively to third parties.

Reporting Tools and Training

Disclosures must be provided using the aozhou2n.compliance form. The form is Microsoft Excel-based.

Data Maintenance

Environmental Compliance data that has aged four years since its initial collection shall be validated with the supplier;

Data Validation: Validating data that Agilent already has; a simple verification activity that does NOT require new materials compliance information to be collected covering as a minimum:

  • EU RoHS Compliance state, and
  • Any EU RoHS Exemptions applied
Following a successful review, Data Validation only requires the date of the supplier's response to be recorded.

Contact Information

For questions about Agilent's restricted substances compliance and reporting expectations for suppliers, please ask your Agilent contact to refer you to a product environmental compliance expert for their business unit.

Requirements for Agilent's Direct Material Suppliers

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