
OB10 e-Invoicing

Americas and Europe: accountspayable@aozhou2n.com

Asia-Pacific: ap-asiapac@aozhou2n.com

What is OB10?

OB10 is a global network that facilitates the electronic transmission of invoices to our Accounts Payable department. Using OB10, you will be allowed automatic uploading of your invoice data into our financial systems. This also gives you the ability to track invoice delivery to Agilent and completely eliminates the need for paper invoices.

OB10 does not require any special hardware or software to use - only access to the Internet. There are no special format requirements when using the OB10 network. OB10 replaces paper as the preferred method of invoicing Agilent for the entities listed above.

For more details about OB10 Registration, Invoice Submission and Support process Please visit website.
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