
ERP Information

E-Invoicing and E-Payment Expectations

Paper invoicing has always been a labor and cost intensive process for both you, our valued supplier, and to Agilent. Invoices are often lost in transit or routed to the incorrect location, thereby delaying payment. To ensure on-time payment to you, Agilent has joined the OB10 electronic invoice delivery network run by Open Business Exchange ("OBE"). The OB10 network is now available to all suppliers invoicing Agilent Technologies and replaces the previous billed-to address for invoices. Agilent suppliers in Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, Ireland, Malaysia, the Netherlands, Singapore, Spain, the UK, and the United States are expected to transition their paper invoice submission to the OB10 network (www.ob10.com).

The benefits of this new process to your company are significant. First, submitting invoices to Agilent via the OB10 network will reduce the time needed to submit your invoices. Second, OB10 immediately notifies you if there are issues in submitting your invoice, allowing for proactive resolution of problems and avoiding costly follow-up. Third, sending invoices electronically via OB10 will eliminate the expense of printing and mailing paper copies to Agilent Technologies. If you are not already a member of the OB10 network, subscribing is simple. There is no hardware or software for you to install, and OB10 handles any data format you choose to use for your invoices. Please follow the instructions below to complete your registration.

Thank you for your support of this critical initiative. If you require assistance when registering for OB10 please contact OBE directly. OBE contact information can be found at

Click here for more info...

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