
ERP Information

Required And Requested Information For Supplier Created Paper Invoices

Required Information to Appear on Supplier Paper Invoices

  • Valid Agilent Technologies Purchase Order (PO) or Blanket Purchase Agreement (BPA) number
  • If a BPA, the BPA release number must be included
  • Agilent Technologies part number
  • If no Agilent Technologies part number exists, the description on the order must be included
  • Price and quantity as per the Agilent Technologies PO/BPA
  • Supplier name and remit-to address
  • Supplier invoice number
  • Any discount payment terms are clearly marked

    Requested Information to Appear on the Supplier Paper Invoices

  • Agilent Technologies Purchase Order (PO) or Blanket Purchase Agreement (BPA) line item number
  • If the order was received from Agilent Technologies via EDI or ISP, include the shipment line number
  • VAT/GST registration number, where applicable
  • Supplier contact name, phone number or email address

Providing the required and requested information on the invoice will help to ensure smooth payment of invoices.
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