Solutions Innovation Research Award (SIRA)

2023 Advanced Material Research Award

Agilent congratulates winners of the 2023 Advanced Material Research Award

Agilent Presents Solutions Innovation Research Awards to Drexel University and Prairie View A&M University Researchers
SANTA CLARA, Calif., February 29, 2024 a?? Agilent Technologies Inc. (NYSE: A) today announced the selection of Distinguished Professors Michel Barsoum and Yury Gogotsi at Drexel University and Professor Ananda Amarasekara at Prairie View A&M University as recipients of an Agilent Solutions Innovation Research Award (SIRA). The three honorees will receive separate awards for their research into materials to advance energy storage technology. [...]

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The Agilent Solutions Innovation Research Award (SIRA) program is excited to announce a new Call for Proposals in 2023 on the Topic of Advanced Materials Research. In alignment with the CHIPS & Science ACT, this SIRA Call will provide Agilent instrument support for project proposals that demonstrate the most innovative and impactful use of our measurement technologies in the development of advance materials for battery, fuel cells, and semiconductor research.

Three individual SIRA awards will be made for this Call and will include a free 1-year loan of one of the following state-of-the art atomic spectroscopy systems (i.e. 5900 ICP-OES, 7900 ICP-MS or 8900 ICP-QQQ) with consumables, installation, and technical support. A short project proposal, scoped for a 1-year project, may incorporate the usage of other Agilent instruments, but only one of each aforementioned systems will be awarded per proposal.

Only Principal Investigators from degree-granting academic institutions and non-profit research organizations in North America are eligible to apply to the SIRA program.

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