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Real Insight. Real Outcomes. Agilent CrossLab delivers for you.

CrossLab is an Agilent capability that integrates services, consumables and lab-wide resource management to help laboratories improve efficiency, optimize operations, increase instrument uptime, develop user skill and more.
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See real stories of how Agilent CrossLab supports Agilent and select non-Agilent instruments, providing consultative advice for workflow enablement, lab analytics, compliance and more.

Operational Efficiency

From asset management to applications support to laboratory analytics, Agilent CrossLab can help you improve operational efficiency.

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Better Analytical Results

The right consumable can make a big difference in instrument performance and analytical accuracy. See how consumables and service tips have helped labs improve their analyses.

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Increased Productivity

CrossLab Services provide you with insight that improves lab productivity, through better instrument performance, tips to improve user skill, improve lab environments and more.

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Agilent CrossLab Products and Services

Service Expertise

From On Demand repairs to full service contracts, Agilent CrossLab has you covered.

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Columns and Lab Supplies

Improve analytical results and enhance performance with the right consumables and supplies.

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Education and Training

Agilent offers on-site, off site, online and custom training for all skill levels.

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Advanced Lab-Management Capabilities

CrossLab Enterprise Services

Reduce risk, improve operational performance with support from CrossLab lab management experts.

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Workflow Consulting

Consultative support to optimize, refine or build your application method.

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More Real Stories from the Lab

Improving User Skill

Tips and consultation from Agilent CrossLab experts can help your team succeed.

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Better Lab Economics

CrossLab expertise delivers value in money-saving advice for your lab.

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Solving Big Challenges

Agilent experts partner to help you resolve tricky analytical problems, improve compliance, streamline lab operations.

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Get in touch with an Agilent CrossLab Expert

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