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Femto Pulse 系統毛細管陣列

Femto Pulse Systems

對 DNA 和 RNA 樣品進行準確而精確的定量分析、定性分析以及分子量測定

Femto Pulse 系統為研究人員提供功能強大的自動化脈沖場毛細管電泳系統。對彌散條帶和片段可分別獲得提高 10 倍和 100 倍的靈敏度。精心設計的光學檢測平臺和脈沖場功率實現前所未有的靈敏度,可檢出低飛克范圍的核酸。Femto Pulse 系統能夠分離 DNA 和 RNA 樣品,具有足夠的靈活性,可以處理任何工作流程情形。

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Build Consistency into Your Lab’s Workflow with the Agilent Automated Electrophoresis Portfolio.

The automated electrophoresis instrument portfolio includes systems for objective assessment of sample integrity, concentration, and fragment size. Download this eBrochure for an interactive experience.

Fast Separation, Ultra Sensitivity, One Instrument - Agilent Femto Pulse System

The Agilent Femto Pulse system separates high molecular weight (HMW) DNA fragments and detects nucleic acids into the femtogram range from low concentration samples.

Agilent Femto Pulse Consumables

This data sheet lists consumables for the Femto Pulse system.
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