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片段分析儀系統 RNA 試劑盒

Fragment Analyzer Systems

準確、有效而可靠的核酸 QC 分析

片段分析儀系統利用自動化平行毛細管電泳實現了可靠的核酸質量控制 (QC)。憑借其獨特設計和直觀功能,通過自動執行關鍵步驟(如凝膠上樣和樣品注入)解決常見的 QC 瓶頸,提高了實驗室效率。多種試劑盒供您輕松實現 DNA 和 RNA 樣品的定性與定量。可從三種型號中選擇不同通量,滿足您的不同實驗室需求。

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Build Consistency into Your Lab’s Workflow with the Agilent Automated Electrophoresis Portfolio.

The automated electrophoresis instrument portfolio includes systems for objective assessment of sample integrity, concentration, and fragment size. Download this eBrochure for an interactive experience.

Reliable Results for Nucleic Acid Analysis. Agilent 5200, 5300, and 5400 Fragment Analyzer Systems.

Using automated parallel capillary electrophoresis, the Fragment Analyzer systems offer nucleic acid quality control for a range of applications, including NGS libraries and cfDNA QC.

Agilent Fragment Analyzer Consumables

This datasheet describes the analysis kits and capillary arrays available for the Agilent Fragment Analyzer system.
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