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ZAG DNA Analyzer Systems


ZAG DNA 分析儀系統是一款高通量毛細管電泳儀,設計用于對 DNA 片段的定性分析。利用 ZAG DNA 分析儀系統,每天可篩選數千個 DNA 片段,消除分析瓶頸。其直觀的軟件利用批處理并自動標記感興趣的樣品,可以更輕松地分析最重要的信息。

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Build Consistency into Your Lab’s Workflow with the Agilent Automated Electrophoresis Portfolio.

The automated electrophoresis instrument portfolio includes systems for objective assessment of sample integrity, concentration, and fragment size. Download this eBrochure for an interactive experience.

Eliminate Fragment Analysis Bottlenecks - Agilent ZAG DNA Analyzer System

The Agilent ZAG DNA Analyzer system is designed to alleviate fragment analysis bottlenecks by allowing labs to load up to 864 samples at once and separate more than 4,608 samples per day.

Agilent ZAG DNA Analyzer Consumables - Analysis kits and capillary arrays

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Agilent ZAG DNA Analyzer System - Automated DNA Fragment Analysis for High-Throughput Labs

The Agilent ZAG DNA Analyzer system simplifies DNA fragment analysis by eliminating labor intensive and time-consuming agarose gel electrophoresis. Designed to eliminate fragment analysis bottlenecks, the system offers minimal separation times, allowing for the analysis of thousands of samples per day.
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