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LC/MS Instruments

廣泛的 LC/MS 儀器產品組合

安捷倫液質聯用 (LC/MS) 儀器產品組合將 HPLC 分離的性能提升到全新水平,同時兼具質譜的靈敏度和特異性。

使用單四極桿 (SQ) LC/MSD 將簡單易用的質量選擇檢測添加至高效液相色譜 (HPLC) 分析。使用突破靈敏度和尺寸障礙的三重四極桿 (TQ) 質譜系統實現精密定量。使用飛行時間 (TOF/Q-TOF) 高分辨率質譜技術鑒定未知物,進行非靶向分析并獲得更多信息,同時確保出色的準確度、速度和同位素保真度。可靠的安捷倫 LC/MS 儀器系列提供了廣泛的功能與性能,幫助用戶應對所有 LC/MS 分析挑戰。

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Boost Efficiency and Productivity with Instrument Intelligence and Smart Automation

Boost efficiency and productivity with instrument intelligence and smart automation for LC/TQ, LC/TOF, and LC/Q-TOF workflows.

Maximize Throughput, Confident Results. Agilent MassHunter Software Suite

Designed to solve your everyday struggles, Agilent MassHunter software provides customizable features and capabilities that support diverse applications.

Innovation That Drives Breakthroughs in Biopharma - Agilent 6545XT AdvanceBio LC/Q-TOF System

Ultimate flexibility for more informed decisions. One instrument and multiple workflows for biopharma.
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Scientist’s Choice Award for 'Best New Analytical Science Product of 2023' for the 6495D LC/TQ

The Agilent 6495D Triple Quadrupole Liquid Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry (LC/MS) System has received the prestigious Scientist’s Choice Award for 'Best New Analytical Science Product of 2023'. This recognition comes after a rigorous selection process that involved nominations and a voting survey conducted among the scientific community.

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完美家使用獎廣泛宣傳頒獎會全球最大排名最具去前沿性和最能夠的解析技藝。會按照全球最大排名完美家的選票,Agilent 6475 三大四極桿液質聯用模式評為 2022 年末最適宜光譜圖車輛獎!
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