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Automated Liquid Dispensing & Handling


Agilent BioTek 的系列微孔板洗板機和分液器設計緊湊,具備模塊化配置,可提供各種解決方案,滿足您實驗室的特定液體處理需求。Agilent BioTek 分液器和洗板機可集成到多款自動化系統中,以改進自動化功能并提高效率。從基礎 ELISA 到敏感的細胞清洗再到微珠清洗,洗板機提供的模塊可應對各種檢測需求。自動化微孔板分液器的分液體積范圍可從毫升低至 500 納升。它們在確定的體積范圍內提供簡單、可重復、精確的液體加樣。模塊化單通道、多通道和大包裝試劑分液器幫助滿足各種液體處理需求。

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Super Charge Your Cell Research: Agilent Cell Analysis Portfolio

Maximize your workflow efficiency and produce robust data with Agilent solutions in cell analysis.

Automated Cell Fixing and Antibody Staining in Microplates

Here we describe the use of the 406 FX Washer Dispenser to automate the fixation and staining processes typically used prior to fluorescence imaging.

Monitoring Cytotoxicity by Oridonin in U-2 OS Cells in Real Time

This application note demonstrates the utility of the Agilent BioTek BioSpa 8 to manage live cell assay that has multiple plates.

Automated ELISA Liquid Handling with the 406FX Combination Washer Dispenser

Here we describe how the 406 FX Washer Dispenser increases a laboratory’s efficiency and productivity by automating the liquid handling steps of an ELISA.
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Agilent BioTek 406 FX Washer Dispenser: Technology-Driven Application Diversity and Workflow Efficiency

Introducing Agilent BioTek’s new 406 FX microplate washer dispenser.

Fixing and Staining Optimization for Microscopy

Fixed samples for fluorescence microscopy applications can take many shapes and forms, including cultured cells in microplates, multicellular spheroids, tissue on slides, and whole organisms.

Ask the Experts - Automation of Microplate-Based Assays - Tips for Increasing Throughput Utilizing Automated Washing and Dispensing

Ask the Experts - Automation of Microplate-Based Assays - Tips for Increasing Throughput Utilizing Automated Washing and Dispensing

Using Automated Imaging to Quantitatively Analyze the Colony Formation Assay

In this webinar, we discuss automated methods for conducting and analyzing the colony formation assay using both the colorimetric and fluorescent properties of crystal violet, the wellestablished dye for this assay.
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