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Microplate Instrumentation Control & Analysis Software


微孔板檢測儀和成像儀控制與分析軟件和液體處理控制軟件為各種應用提供簡單的程序創建和靈活的處理。直觀的用戶界面確保使用 Agilent BioTek 成像、檢測和液體處理儀器的工作流程的效率。 Agilent BioTek Gen5 微孔板檢測儀及成像儀軟件可為所有成像和檢測系統提供直觀的控制,具有強大的圖像和數據分析能力。成像儀和微孔板檢測儀的自動儲板和培養選項也可通過 Gen5 控制。LHC2 軟件提供對微孔板洗板機和分液器操作的完全控制,包括與 BioStack 連接時的儲板操作。

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Super Charge Your Cell Research: Agilent Cell Analysis Portfolio

Maximize your workflow efficiency and produce robust data with Agilent solutions in cell analysis.

Automated Imaging and Analysis of 2D Chemotaxis

The Agilent BioTek Gen5 object tracking module combined with Agilent BioTek automated imaging systems delivers an integrated solution for automating cell migration studies, increasing assay robustness and throughput.

Applied Robotics for Enhanced Throughput Options in Microscopy

This study highlights the ability of Cytation 5 and BioStack 4 to automate the workflows for imaging H&E-stained TMAs for high-throughput histology applications.

Automated High-Throughput Imaging and Analysis of Cell Migration

This application note introduces the Agilent BioTek Gen5 object tracking module, which automates analysis of 2D cell migration in high-content formats, including 96-well microplates.
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Expression and Intracellular Translocation of Cancer Biomarkers

Hepatocarcinoma is one of the most common cancer types in the U.S. with limited treatment options and poor survival rate. Recently, cancer bioenergetics emerged as a promising source of targets to develop novel anticancer agents.
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