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Microplate Readers


微孔板檢測儀為多種應用提供靈活性和易用性。Agilent BioTek 多功能微孔板檢測儀具有模塊化配置和可升級性,支持實驗室應對當前和未來實驗室檢測需求變化時的多種工作流程和數據分析需求。Agilent BioTek 單功能微孔板檢測儀具有易用性、出色的性能規格和性價比。微孔板檢測儀可集成到自動儲板器和自動化系統,擴展通量和效率。

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Super Charge Your Cell Research: Agilent Cell Analysis Portfolio

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A Homogeneous FRET-based HTS Assay for Quantification of pRb in Cancer Cell Lines to Monitor Inhibition of G0/ G1 Cell Phase Transition

This application note presents a novel HTRF cell-based assay that quantifies endogenous phosphorylated retinoblastoma protein.

Rapid Measurement of IgG Using Fluorescence Polarization

This application note describes the use of the Agilent BioTek Synergy Neo2 hybrid multimode reader to rapidly determine IgG concentrations.

Utility of Variable Bandwidth Monochromators for Quantification of Fluorescent Probes in Produced Effluent Water

This study shows the ability to record excitation and emission spectra for fluorescent probes using the monochromator-based detection system of a microplate reader.
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Biomolecular and Cellular Quantification Using a Multimode Microplate Reader

Biomolecular and cellular quantification using a BioTek multimode microplate reader
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