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Fluorescence Spectroscopy


想獲得超高性能的熒光分光光度計和熒光光譜儀器,Agilent Cary Eclipse 熒光分光光度計及其種類豐富的附件和備件是您的不二之選。Cary Eclipse 熒光分光光度計系統兼具靈活性和創新性,能在多種熒光光譜應用中提供一致的分析結果。

Cary Eclipse 熒光分光光度計獨特的脈沖氙燈技術具有出色的靈敏度與室光免疫性能,非常適合與光纖技術聯用,可用于生物樣品分析。

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Fluorescence Spectroscopy Applications Overview

A guide to modern applications of fluorescence spectroscopy and spectrofluorometer instrumentation.



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Molecular Spectroscopy Products from Agilent Technologies

An overview of Agilent's range of molecular spectroscopy products.

Cary Eclipse Fluorescence Spectrophotometer Brochure

Description of the benefits of using the Cary Eclipse fluorescence spectrophotometer

Agilent Cary Eclipse Fluorescence Spectrophotometer Applications

The Cary Eclipse is capable of fluorescence, phosphorescence, chemi- and bio-luminescence measurements without photo-bleaching, and with room light immunity.
Featured News

 安捷倫發布 Cary WinUV 5.3 和 Cary WinUV Pharma 5.3 軟件 — 專為常規分析設計的易于使用的軟件

最新的版的 Cary WinUV 適用多于 10 次反復量測并求算年標準差,可不斷提有工作效率,并促進可根據 ICH Q2 (R1) 進行檢驗。最新后的 Cary Help 和 Cary Tutorial 輸出模塊促進縮短學校車速,枯燥把握好 Cary 60 的選擇的。該平臺適用 Microsoft Windows 11,Cary WinUV Pharma 選擇的 Microsoft SQL Server Express 2022 運轉,由微軟給予適用至 2028 年。

 Agilent Cary 3500 紫外-可見分光光度計系列獲得 My Green Lab 的 ACT 認證標簽

Agilent Cary 3500 紫外光-不難發現分光光度計編測量儀器已可以通過歐盟成員國、比利時和法國的 ACT 價簽認證證書。某種對于系統周圍環境應響的很明確再者方核實的信息使試驗室才能輕松自在取舍有益于雖然現可持繼未來發展計劃的產品。


當光與正方體上下級幫助時,人們的是能在眼珠子中的感光受器感知力色調等等(注意在散發出或反射性的時候)。在使用分光光度計-因而分光光度計對其進行色調等等估測的操作過程與人眼能看到色調等等的操作過程想同。當然,分光光度計-因而分光光度計是能在轉消用軟件于直射仿品的光的色調等等,合理性地贏得研究色調等等的值。針對于目標用軟件的絕佳測試儀器選定將依賴于于仿品品類和研究請求。本市場研究報告介紹一下了安捷倫提高的一些色調等等估測改善計劃方案,是指 Cary WinUV Color 用軟件軟件百度百科,該軟件可跟據一些圖形大地坐標和照明燈體系轉移光譜分析動態數據。
Featured Training & Events


分子光譜網絡研討會課程包括紫外-可見、熒光、FTIR 臺式光譜儀和顯微鏡,以及手持式和便攜式 FTIR 解決方案,提供高性能和靈活性選擇

Advances in FTIR and UV-Vis: No Need for Cells in Liquid Sample Analysis

This webcast will highlight the benefit of advanced sampling technologies in achieving fast, easy, and reliable measurements of liquid samples in comparison with the traditional liquid cells used for FTIR and UV-Vis measurements.

Spectroscopy Digital Workshops & Bootcamps

Hone your lab skills, outside the lab, with our live, interactive series of virtual workshops and software bootcamps! Learn about the latest in software solutions for Spectroscopy, discuss the entire analytical process from method development to data analysis, and participate in live analytical runs with our experts. We hope these will prepare you for future hands-on events in the future.

Agilent Molecular Spectroscopy On Demand Webinars

Agilent’s best-in-class portfolio of molecular spectroscopy instruments have grown in breadth as well as capabilities.
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