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FTIR 分析儀套裝

Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy

實驗室或現場檢測 — 安捷倫 FTIR 光譜儀助您實現更全面深入的分析

安捷倫提供一系列 FTIR 光譜儀,從用于現場應用的靈活手持式系統和穩定的便攜式分析儀,到用于常規測試和前沿研究的可靠臺式 FTIR 儀器。安捷倫傅立葉變換紅外光譜系統可針對您的特定測量類型提供高效的性能。憑借包括一系列衰減全反射 (ATR) 選件在內的附件和備件,安捷倫 FTIR 儀器可快速、輕松地針對每種應用進行優化。

FTIR 是一種用于樣品材料鑒定和成分定量的快速、簡單且可靠的技術。無論是在實驗室還是在現場,或是其他任何地方,以用戶為中心的工作流程和完善的 FTIR 性能都能為您帶來諸多優勢。

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FTIR 分析與應用概述

操作臺式機和手持型式檢測儀器展開 FTIR 數據分析的很多應運指導意見。


掌握自動測量透明液體、固態垃圾、粉未、半固態垃圾和糊劑的常見到 FTIR 監測技術。

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Featured Literature

The Agilent Cary 630 FTIR Spectrometer for Material Identification Applications

Using the Cary 630 FTIR spectrometer and Agilent MicroLab FTIR software to perform fast, easy, and reliable workflows for the analysis of different sample-types.

As Easy as 1, 2, 3: Makes FTIR Analysis Fast and Simple

Upgrade your Agilent FTIR spectrometer with the latest version of MicroLab software. Intuitive and easy-to-use, step-by-step guidance and instructive pictures.

Fast, Easy, and Reliable Measurements of Liquid Samples Using Transmission FTIR

Comparison of the DialPath Module and a traditional liquid cell for the quantification of simethicone using the Agilent Cary 630 FTIR

Pharmaceutical Analysis using FTIR: Compliance with European, US, Indian, and Japanese Pharmacopoeia

Meeting the requirements of global pharmacopoeia with the Agilent Cary 630 FTIR
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4300 手持式 FTIR 視頻演示

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Featured News

 安捷倫推出 MicroLab 5.8、MicroLab Pharma 5.8 和 MicroLab Expert 1.3

為 Cary 630 FTIR 光譜分析儀并且安捷倫手拿式和位移式 FTIR 電腦小軟件提供了可以的支持軟件的原版電腦小軟件如今可以的支持軟件2017最新的 Microsoft Windows 11 進行電腦小軟件。MicroLab Pharma 5.8 電腦小軟件現時還通過了 Microsoft SQL Server 2022 Express(Microsoft 將時不時可以的支持軟件到 2028 年)。

基礎導論 — 安捷倫鋰離子電池行業解決方案

不看不清楚從那里逐漸開始兩只手實行鋰陰陽離子鋰電組各種測試圖片?喜歡明確責任認知要怎樣因對多個各種測試圖片使用需求? 仔細閱讀安捷倫對於礦物質、加工生產、鋰電組器件和檢漏解決處理規劃的進門須知,助力器您的實驗設計室要先拿到成功失敗。

Cary 630 FTIR 光譜儀推動環境中塑料的研究

Agilent Cary 630 FTIR 光譜了解儀在判斷不同于樣件基本材料中的可氟塑料類別時可出具可靠性、優質量管理的數值和實惠高效率的了解。前段時間發稿的寫一篇行業報告展望了氛圍各省的研究探討隊伍是怎樣的安全使用 Cary 630 FTIR 了解氛圍樣件中的可氟塑料。
Featured Training & Events

Advances in FTIR and UV-Vis: No Need for Cells in Liquid Sample Analysis

This webcast will highlight the benefit of advanced sampling technologies in achieving fast, easy, and reliable measurements of liquid samples in comparison with the traditional liquid cells used for FTIR and UV-Vis measurements.

FTIR Spectroscopy in Pharmaceutical Analysis: Hardware, Applications, Tips & Tricks

Stay up to date with the best practices to minimize costly downtime and achieve great results from your systems.

Improve ROI with Fast Assessment of Decarboxylation Status in Cannabis and Hemp Extracts

A key step in cannabis oil production is the decarboxylation of naturally produced THCA to psychotropic THC or CBDA to CBD, respectively. This step can be done either before extraction by heating the flower or after extraction by heating the cannabis oil. In both cases, heat is used to speed up the decarboxylation process. But with this heating step come considerations and problems. Excess heat or time will degrade the cannabinoids to unwanted side products, and it will tie up production capacity and generally incur higher production costs. To better control this important processing step, we have developed an infrared (IR) monitoring solution that can track decarboxylation progress in near real-time. We have been able to validate the process for decarboxylation of both THCA and CBDA in both flower and oil. We will present our monitoring solution and the Agilent IR platform that enables this work.


分子光譜網絡研討會課程包括紫外-可見、熒光、FTIR 臺式光譜儀和顯微鏡,以及手持式和便攜式 FTIR 解決方案,提供高性能和靈活性選擇
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