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LDIR 激光紅外成像系統

LDIR Chemical Imaging Spectroscopy


激光紅外 (LDIR) 成像采用量子級聯激光器 (QCL) 結合快速掃描光學元件,可使分子成像更快速、更簡單。Agilent 8700 LDIR 激光紅外成像系統提供高質量的成像與光譜數據,非常適合微塑料分析。

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Featured Literature

Characterization of Microplastics in Environmental Samples by Laser Direct Infrared Imaging

The chemical composition of microplastics was identified with the Agilent 8700 Laser Direct Infrared (LDIR) chemical imaging system. Ease-of-use and simplicity of creating a library with the Clarity LDIR instrument control software was also shown.

Rapid, Large Area On-Filter Analysis of Microplastics from Plastic Bottles Using Laser Direct Infrared Imaging

Microplastics derived from polyethylene terephthalate (PET) bottles were analysed on gold-coated membrane filters using LDIR.

Fast, Automated Microplastics Analysis Using Laser Direct Chemical Imaging

Characterizing and quantifying microplastics in water samples from marine environments

Analyzing Microplastics

Using the Agilent 8700 Laser Direct Infrared Imaging system for fast and automated analysis of microplastics in environmental samples
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安捷倫特別不是個在線播放客認可和論壇會范圍,現匯總了兩人職業 玩家組,各是看重于散射拉曼光譜圖和代替微朔料解析的 8700 LDIR。這樣好友分組為互不交流活動和只是共享資源供應了專程的范圍。

快速發展的微塑料分析領域面臨著許多挑戰。在本次網絡研討會上,我們邀請到的兩位演講嘉賓將探討截然不同的挑戰,也是許多人正面臨的挑戰。第一位嘉賓是來自英國生態和水文中心的 Gbotemi Adediran 博士,他將介紹通過 LDIR 分析亞微米級(< 5 μm) 微塑料的機遇和挑戰。第二位嘉賓是來自 Eurofins Environmental Testing(澳大利亞和新西蘭)的 Julia Jaeger 博士,她將介紹與應用 LDIR 進行常規微塑料分析相關的進展和挑戰。

LDIR 能夠準確表征嬰兒配方奶粉中的微塑料

微金屬在自然的環保中無地在,而考察調研微金屬對良好的關系正因為越變愈多的注重。非常多人要看來小寶寶對微金屬的學習比較有限。因此,已感覺小寶寶配料配比牛奶粉就是一種概率的學習行業。在最近幾天的一些軟件應用領域情況匯報中,進行 8700 LDIR 二氧化碳激光紅外激光散斑系統的更準司法鑒定和按量小寶寶配料配比牛奶粉中的微金屬。該研究方案還展現出了質量把控在微金屬概述中的更工作的意義。讀軟件應用領域情況匯報。
Featured Training & Events

Challenges in Microplastics Analysis: From Routine Laboratory Testing to Pushing the Boundary on Particle Sizes

In this webinar, we will hear from two speakers addressing very diverse but widely prevalent challenges.

Sample Preparation for microplastics by LDIR: Best Practice

In this webinar, we will highlight microplastic sample preparation in various matrices and examine best practices for performing accurate on-filter microplastic analysis using the Agilent 8700 LDIR Chemical Imaging System.

Microplastics Analysis Just Got Easier: Analysis Direct On-Filter

Microplastics are fast coming into focus as we are beginning to understand just how far these man-made products have made their way into ecosystems and food chains alike.

Standardized ISO Methodologies for the Assessment of Microplastics: An Update on Key Developments

During this webinar, we will explore the development of these standard methodologies and some of the key challenges faced in their implementation.
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