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OpenLab ChemStation is a well-established CDS platform for R&D and method development that has served the analytical sciences world for decades. However, if you’re looking to expand your CDS capabilities, OpenLab CDS may be a better solution. With automated migration tools and native compatibility, switching to OpenLab CDS is easier than you think.

Key features support a smooth transition from ChemStation to OpenLab CDS

 Automate data import and eliminate the need to move files manually using the built-in migration tool.

 Preserve and reuse existing methods from ChemStation in OpenLab CDS including compound identification settings and integration events.

 Transfer user and instrument information, including user/user groups, roles/permissions and instrument configurations.

Generate data
export reports
that include details of the mapping.

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Ready to make the switch?

FAQs and considerations

Does the migration tool support ChemStation Rev B?
Yes, it is possible to move methods, data, results, and reports from ChemStation Rev B.04.03 to OpenLab CDS.
Do I need to move all my data with the migration tool?
No. You can move data by project, group, or by acquisition date.
I have OpenLab CDS ChemStation Edition, isn’t that the same thing as OpenLab CDS? What’s the difference?
OpenLab CDS is another chromatography data system in the OpenLab Family. Although it shares many similarities to ChemStation, they are two distinctly different platforms. We have renamed OpenLab CDS ChemStation Edition to OpenLab ChemStation to reduce confusion.
I have a very automated ChemStation workflow, can Agilent support my transition?
For more complex methods and data, including those involving macro automation, on-demand services are available for advanced workflow migration. Please contact your Agilent representative to discuss further.
Our lab has been using ChemStation for years, why should we consider making the switch to OpenLab CDS now?
The primary reasons for moving to OpenLab CDS are for compliance and scalability. If either of those are considerations for the near or even long term, we recommend transitioning to OpenLab CDS. Other considerations for moving may be access to exclusive OpenLab CDS features like custom calculations and reporting. To ease the transition, mixed environments with both ChemStation and OpenLab CDS are fully supported.
We’re happy with ChemStation and have a very established analytical workflow already, and we don’t have any intent to switch any time soon. What would your recommendation be?
We still love ChemStation and want to continue to support you. Agilent recommends updating to the newest version of ChemStation (LTS 01.11) and investing in a software maintenance agreement (SMA). Please contact your Agilent representative to discuss further.

Get to know OpenLab CDS with these additional resources

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