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Dry Scroll Pumps



安捷倫 IDP 密封渦旋式干泵具有完全隔開的軸承,可提供靜音、潔凈、無油的真空。它們非常適用于分析儀器、低溫應用、氦氣再循環、冷凍干燥和大麻提取,也可作為渦輪分子泵的前級泵。

Agilent TriScroll 泵是一款可靠耐用的渦旋泵,可提供高抽速和極限真空度,可選配變頻器或三相電機。TriScroll 泵可用于泄漏檢測、制造過程和其他工業應用。

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Richard Collins

Owner, HT Products Ltd, UK Pumps are very good. We don’t have problems with bearings like we do on some others. They run cooler, not so noisy and have an excellent service interval. View More

Dave Mason

Director, Nikalyte Ltd, Cherwell Innovation Centre, UK Always found that the IDP pumps are very reliable, they pump well and are easy to service, and now in the IDP-7 the service interval is 3 to 4 years. View More

Hubert Marsall

Accelerator Technician, Heidelberg Ion Beam Therapy Center (HIT) We have been using the Agilent IDP-10 at our HIT in Heidelberg for 3 years and we are very satisfied – especially the service life up to maintenance with > 2 years running time has proven to be true. View More

Dr. Thomas Thümmler

Scientist, KATRIN Experiment at Karlsruhe Institute for Technology (KIT) The main purpose of the IDP-15 is that we make use of the automatic safety integrated valve in the pump entrance and in case we have a power failure or any other malfunction, this will save the whole vacuum system. View More
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