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Automate data migration

Data Migration - Simple, secure, smooth transition to OpenLab CDS
This is the perfect time to make your move to OpenLab CDS, our next-generation chromatography data system. And we’ve made it perfectly simple to migrate your data quickly and safely.

If your lab uses ChemStation or EZChrom, you can easily migrate data, methods, instrument information, and user roles and privileges to OpenLab CDS using
the automated migration tool included in the software. Our migration
tool enables you to:

  • Automate: Eliminate the need to move files manually, saving time and money.
  • Maximize the preservation and reuse of methods and data.
  • Expedite: Avoid having to recreate methods so you can start using your new
    data system immediately.
If you're a Galaxie or Atlas customer, we can still help. We provide tools for migrating your methods. And for Galaxie, we can migrate the data too.

Contact us to learn about your options for reducing? costs and downtime
during your migration.

Ready to get started? Contact us to learn about your options.
See how easy it is to migrate your data to OpenLab CDS
The migration tool supports each phase of the data migration process, including planning, export, and import of data files and configuration information. To get the details, view the data sheets.

Workstation Migration for OpenLab ChemStation
to OpenLab CDS

Workstation Migration for OpenLab EZChrom to
OpenLab CDS

Get additional support when you need it

OpenLab CDS migration tools are automated, free of charge, and easy to use. We also
offer a complete set of services to help with your migration. Let us consult with you
to help manage the migration of methods, workflows, and data to your new platform.
Learn more about our services.

Still undecided? Here's why you should make the move to OpenLab CDS:
Enhances data
integrity and security
OpenLab CDS has built-in controls to ensure work quality, manage records effectively, and enhance data security.

Learn more about OpenLab
data integrity features.

Improves efficiency
and productivity?

Learning the new software is easy. Complete basic tasks faster and
in less steps.

See how OpenLab CDS compares to ChemStation.

Watch the comparison videos.

Keeps your lab
Stay current on the latest Windows operating system to ensure access to Microsoft security and feature updates. OpenLab CDS is supported on Windows 10 so you can fully modernize your workstation software and protect your lab.

Check system specifications for OpenLab workstations.

Ready to get started?
Contact us to learn about your options.

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