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Drug Discovery

Drug Discovery

Expand Your Drug Discovery Pipeline with Live Cell Analysis

As the cost of bringing new drugs to market continues to grow, so do the pressures around increasing efficiency and productivity throughout the discovery and development cycle. And, no matter the stage, cell-based analysis plays a critical role in discovery, screening and toxicity studies.

Agilent Cell Analysis technology provides unique capabilities for drug discovery and toxicity studies:

  • De-risk your drug discovery pipeline, identify cardiotoxic effects and assess cardiac disease models in real time using the xCELLigence RTCA Cardio/CardioECR/ePacer systems.
  • Perform real-time, high throughput monitoring of compound-mediated cytotoxic responses with xCELLigence RTCA instruments.
  • Compatible with a variety of high throughput automated platforms, NovoCyte flow cytometers enable the analysis of specific cell type responses such as receptor expression, cytokine detection, and proliferation, to small molecules or antibody-drug conjugates.

Discover Agilent Cell Analysis applications in drug discovery to expand your drug discovery pipeline.

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 For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

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