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The next generation of immune cell therapies requires a new generation of analysis tools

A safe, potent, and persistent immune cell product depends on developers mustering the full repertoire of immune cell function; activation, proliferation, cell fate, cytotoxic killing, immunomodulation, and memory. All of which must be accomplished in the ever-changing, suppressive, and toxic tumor microenvironment.

Agilent is dedicated to supporting these next-generation therapies, providing key technologies to enable high-efficiency gene editing and assessment of real-time cell function, phenotype, and fate. Used together, this tool bench provides the capability to measure and control immune cell function. Thus enabling translational researchers and developers to achieve the necessary level of therapeutic potency and safety.

Uncover Agilent’s next generation of solutions for immune and CAR T Cell therapy.

For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

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