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Pesticide Monitoring and Analysis in Global Food Supply Chains

As food supply chains become increasingly global, governments are seeking to monitor a wider range of pesticides than ever before. This requires measuring hundreds of compounds in a number of different analyses, meaning labs need multi residue processes and sample preparation techniques that are both accurate and cost-effective. Chromatography combined with mass spectrometry is ideally suited to such demands, particularly with the advent of faster and more sensitive chromatographic methods and mass specs. Agilent offers both established and new complimentary chemistries to separate targets from matrix, enabling labs to cover familiar matrices but also the more challenging ones. And our highly selective mass specs also provide the opportunity to dilute the matrix away whilst still achieving trace level detection. Combined LC/MS and GC/MS multi residue methods often cover the majority of compounds of interest for a given lab and Agilent sample preparation strategies can produce one extract suitable for both. Further the LC/MS and GC/MS platforms themselves are available, preconfigured for multi-residue screening according to methods, which have been developed and validated by Agilent’s expert collaborators and which our engineers can set up and check out for each new instrument installation.

Read how Agilent is helping control pesticide contamination in our food supply.
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使用觸發式 MRM 和在線稀釋改善 LC-MS/MS 農藥多殘留分析

此次網絡研討會將會討論一種大型 LC-MS/MS 農藥多殘留方法的開發、優化和性能,用以在 10 分鐘內分離約 450 種分析物。
Featured Literature

Agilent Pesticide LC/MS Personal Compound Database and Library

Simplify your untargeted pesticides screening with the Agilent Pesticide Personal Compound Database and Library (PCDL).

Agilent Pesticide tMRM Database

Streamline your targeted pesticides screening with the Agilent Pesticide tMRM Database.

Multipesticides Residue Determination in Fresh Okra Using QuEchERS Sample Preparation and Gas Chromatography Tandem Mass Spectrometry

Mutiresidue pesticides quantification in Fresh Okra by Agilent GC-MS/MS

Determination of pesticides in foods using phosphorus and sulfur detection by GC-ICP-QQQ

Comparison of GC-ICP-QQQ to GC/MS/MS as a technique for detecting organophosphorus and organosulfur pesticides
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