Company History Timeline — 1999

In 1999 the company’s test and measurement and related divisions spin-off to form Agilent Technologies. Agilent embodies the test and measurement legacy that began with Bill and Dave in that small Palo Alto garage in 1939. Now a fully independent measurement company, Agilent is in position to lead the test and measurement industry into the 21st century with its innovation and excellence.

New York Stock Exchange


  • HP announces strategic realignment to create an independent measurement company composed of test and measurement components, chemical analysis and medical businesses, and a computing and imaging company that includes all of HP’s computing, printing and imaging businesses.
  • Agilent Technologies, the name of the new measurement company, is announced at historic brand-identity launch event in San Jose, Calif., announced by Agilent President and Chief Executive Officer Ned Barnholt.
  • Initial public stock offering on Nov. 18, 1999, raises $2.1 billion and breaks records as the largest IPO in Silicon Valley history.
  • Release of Agilent’s optical mouse sensor eliminates need for mouse pads, and allows for creation of a more precise and longer lasting computer mouse.

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