
Features Archive

Agilent provides best-in-class technology solutions for laboratories in life sciences, diagnostics and applied chemical markets. These features provide examples of how Agilent partners with customers to create a better world together.

Corporations can help shape a more sustainable world

In today's world, global communities are facing serious sustainability challenges that are impacting our societies, economies, and the environment with far-reaching consequences for every individual, company, or nation. To combat such challenges, sustainable development is critical...
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Corporations can help shape a more sustainable world

Combating PFAS 'The Forever Chemical' contamination

Nothing about PFAS (per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances)—from how they are made, to their unique characteristics, to how they need to be analyzed—is easy. These man-made chemicals were developed to simplify our lives, but now decades later, they have become a serious problem...
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Combating PFAS 'The Forever Chemical' contamination

Three life science and technology megatrends shaping our future

Megatrends are overarching trends that seed and embrace multiple market and technology developments. There are three life science, biology, and technology megatrends highly significant to everyonea??s future that already exist today and will be even more important in the years to come...
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Three life science and technology megatrends shaping our future

Improve lab efficiency with the Refresh Effect

How does it feel to operate at peak business efficiency? It feels great, because you spend less time troubleshooting problems and more time delivering results.

It also means you've got financial clarity—you can plan budgets and keep to them. Your team is highly productive and satisfied with their work...
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Improve lab efficiency with the Refresh Effect

Protecting Your Lab's Data Has Never Been More Important

You see the news reports: Systems being hacked. Data being tampered with and results modified fraudulently.

If you're in a regulated industry—pharma, forensics, energy, chemicals, food safety, environmental testing—you are more concerned than most...
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Protecting Your Lab's Data Has Never Been More Important

Determining the Health Risks of Microplastics

Agilent has embarked on a journey to help researchers in their quest to advance and develop new immunotherapies to aid in the fight against cancer. Immunotherapy is a rapidly growing area of research that aims to develop therapies to harness and support the body's own immune system in fighting the disease...
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Determining the Health Risks of Microplastics

Biotek and ACEA Acquisitions Expand Agilent's Immunotherapy Tool Box

Agilent has embarked on a journey to help researchers in their quest to advance and develop new immunotherapies to aid in the fight against cancer. Immunotherapy is a rapidly growing area of research that aims to develop therapies to harness and support the body's own immune system in fighting the disease...
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Biotek and ACEA Acquisitions Expand Agilent's Immunotherapy Tool Box

BioTek acquisition expands Agilent's cell-analysis footprint

Agilent has announced it has signed a definitive agreement to acquire privately-owned BioTek, a recognized global leader in design, manufacture and distribution of innovative life science instrumentation. Its comprehensive product line includes cell imaging systems...
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Agilent continues to expand its global cell-analysis footprint with BioTek acquisition

Agilent drives new quality standards

Chemical manufacturers convert raw materials a?? such as oil, natural gas, metals and minerals a?? into more than 70,000 different products. These are used in everything from gasoline in our cars and jet fuel in planes, to cosmetics, plastics and fibers for the textile industry...
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Agilent drives new quality standards

Improving the economics of the lab

Laboratories like yours face challenges that go beyond science. Managers run their labs like a business, looking for ways to improve productivity and efficiency so they can improve their return on investment...
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Improving the economics of the lab

Protecting the people who protect us

Around the world, first responders and counter-terrorism officers are dealing with an ever-increasing number of incidents. A key problem faced by these teams is the identification of unknown substances discovered at a scene. Any such substance could pose a threat to both nearby individuals and the general public...
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Protecting the people who protect us

Aiding the fight against cancer

Cancer is one of today's most devastating and costly diseases.?? Unfortunately, cancer continues to grow more prevalent around the world, due to a combination of aging populations, lifestyles and environmental factors.?? Approximately 40 percent of us will be diagnosed with cancer during our lifetimes...
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Aiding the fight against cancer

A new method for detecting impurities in petrochemical products

Petroleum is critically important to our daily lives.?? In addition to fueling our vehicles and machinery, petroleum is used to create everything from vitamin capsules to golf balls to clothing.

Olefins, a product derived from petroleum, are the basic building blocks for the production of polymer fibers...
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A new method for detecting impurities in petrochemical products

Helping Biopharma Research Fight Cancer

Over the past few years the outcome for cancer patients has become much more positive, thanks to new and novel therapeutics that are being developed.

One promising new approach involves drugs that rally the body's own immune system to fight the disease. These so-called "immunotherapeutic drugs"...
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Helping Biopharma Research Fight Cancer

Controlling pesticide contamination in our food

Pesticides present a challenge: they are toxic, but we need them. They help farmers produce more food for a growing global population, but there is concern that the plants we eat are contaminated. There is also concern that pesticides can get into meats...
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Pioneering New Approaches To Infant Eye Cancer Research

Retinoblastoma is a rare, pediatric cancer of the retina. It is usually detected during "well baby" screenings, indicated by an abnormal white reflection in the eye. But in many developing countries, retinoblastoma is detected too late to prevent mortality...
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Pioneering New Approaches To Infant Eye Cancer Research

Agilent celebrates 50 years in analytical

On August 9, 1965, the Hewlett-Packard Co. finalized its fifth acquisition, a company in Avondale, Pennsylvania, called F&M Scientific.??At the time, F&M Scientific was one of the world's leading manufacturers of a new technology called gas chromatography...
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Agilent celebrates 50 years in analytical

Making children's toys safer

Phthalates are plasticizers. They are used by manufacturers to make plastics more flexible, durable and softer. They can also disrupt hormones in humans, particularly children...
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Making children's toys safer

Keeping dioxins out of our food

Dioxins and dioxin-like compounds have been linked to developmental problems, immune system damage and cancer.
If no precautions are taken, these toxic compounds can be released into the environment during industrial processes such as...
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Keeping dioxins out of our food

Addressing the Need For Better Cancer Diagnostics

October was breast cancer awareness month. But within Agilent's diagnostics and genomics business area, the focus on breast cancer and improving its diagnosis is something we always prioritize. Accurate breast cancer diagnosis is important as...
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Addressing the Need For Better Cancer Diagnostics

Giving doctors a head start in the fight against diseases

Every pathology lab is unique; however the issues they face are quite similar. Labs in every country are being asked to manage increasing slide volumes with limited personnel and financial resources. In addition, increasing demands to meet stringent turnaround times means...
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Giving doctors a head start in the fight against diseases

Measuring energy content and value

If you work in the natural gas industry, no one has to tell you that shale gas is big news. To date, 1,000 trillion cubic feet of natural gas trapped in shale formations are being obtained in North America, plus another 200 trillion cubic feet in Europe. As worldwide demand for natural gas grows...
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Making hydraulic fracturing safer

Keeping our drinking water safe from contaminants

Like you, Agilent is committed to ensuring the quality of our water supply. Like you, we understand that this essential resource is both limited and in jeopardy. Clean water sources are running dry, chemical contamination threatens existing supplies, and emerging hazards are being recognized...
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Keeping our drinking water safe from contaminants

Keeping pesticides out of our food supply

As the food supply becomes increasingly global, labs like yours must monitor a wider range of pesticides than ever before. You have to detect and measure hundreds of compounds and do it quickly, which means you need multi-residue processes and sample-preparation techniques that are both accurate and cost effective...
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Keeping pesticides out of our food supply

Helping scientists to discover new therapeutics faster

Today’s sophisticated LC/MS technologies give you new levels of sensitivity that can dramatically improve your understanding of a small molecule drug or biotherapeutic. Easy access to these complex technologies can be the key to faster drug discovery...
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Helping scientists to discover new therapeutics faster

Improving our quality of life through integrated biology

The complexity of real biology continues to present enormous challenges to researchers seeking answers that can improve our quality of life.?? Genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics and metabolomics are widely used throughout industry and academia, and they have greatly contributed to our understanding...
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Improving our quality of life through integrated biology
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