Agilent Technologies Inc. (NYSE: A) today announced it has partnered with , a leading provider of whole slide imaging systems, to incorporate their NanoZoomer range including the into the Agilent end-to-end digital pathology solution. With the addition of the NanoZoomer Slide scanner systems, which converts glass slides into high-resolution digital data by high-speed scanning, aozhou2n.completes its offering of an open and agnostic digital pathology workflow designed to accelerate breakthroughs in precision medicine. 

Today's pathology labs face increasing pressure to manage greater patient and test loads with fewer pathologists, compounded by the growing trend toward remote work situations. To meet this challenge, many pathology laboratories are seeking new ways to improve workflow efficiency and facilitate remote analysis. These circumstances have highlighted the need for a digital pathology solution to increase laboratory efficiency, clinical utility, and test quality. 

By incorporating Hamamatsu’s slide scanning capability into its digital pathology solution, Agilent takes a significant step forward in its quest to support pathologists with an advanced platform that can reduce time-to-diagnostic and help improve patient outcomes. This scalable digital pathology workflow features scanners, an image management system, and digital pathology applications that are compatible with Agilent pathology solutions as well as other technology and laboratory information systems (LIS), allowing forward-thinking labs to benefit from flexible, future-proof technology that positions them for growth as requirements evolve. 

 “Increasing cancer cases and tests have driven pathology labs towards the implementation of digital pathology,” said Lou Welebob, vice president and general manager of Agilent’s Pathology division, Diagnostics and Genomics Group. “This distribution agreement strengthens Agilent’s open and agnostic end-to-end digital pathology offering and demonstrates our commitment to providing superior digital pathology solutions for our customers.” 

“Time is critical for patients and clinicians when awaiting a diagnosis. At Hamamatsu, our NanoZoomer Slide scanner digital pathology product line will help revolutionize the diagnostic process, enabling fast turnaround times, more efficient workflows, and more collaboration among pathologists worldwide. We are committed to facilitating the adoption of this transformative technology to help pathologists improve patient care and patient outcomes for every patient and, ultimately, anywhere in the world,” said Laura Pagano, vice president of Sales at Hamamatsu Corporation. 

 Hamamatsu Photonics K.K. is a leading provider of whole slide imaging systems and related technology such as optical sensors, light sources, and complex instrument systems that use them. The FDA has recently granted 510(k) clearance to market their NanoZoomer S360MD slide scanner system for primary diagnostic use in the US market.