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Vaya Handheld Raman Spectrometer for Raw Material Identification
The Vaya handheld Raman spectrometer works through colored plastic and paper sacks

Vaya Handheld Raman Spectrometer for Raw Material Identification

The Agilent Vaya handheld Raman spectrometer identifies raw materials through non-transparent and transparent containers, increasing throughput without increasing costs. From clear glass vials to brown paper sacks, Vaya offers best-in-class identification testing for the fastest possible release to manufacturing.

Vaya is the next evolution of handheld Raman spectrometer technology offering a unique capability—analysis through sealed, opaque containers. Vaya provides a superior and future-proofed workflow: fast, fully compliant, easy to deploy, and simple to use, requiring minimal training or operator skill. Vaya also helps achieve sustainability goals by minimizing resource and waste-intensive raw material sampling processes.

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