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Seahorse XF Substrate Oxidation Stress Test Kits

Seahorse XF Substrate Oxidation Stress Test Kits

The Agilent Seahorse XF Substrate Oxidation Stress Test Kits are a suite of optimized solutions for rapidly measuring cellular substrate oxidation by assessing changes in oxygen consumption (OCR) in live cells. These kits allow for the interrogation of three primary substrates that fuel the mitochondria: long chain fatty acids , glucose/pyruvate, and/or glutamine, facilitating investigation of how cells alter or shift oxidation of specific substrates to perform key cellular functions of activation, proliferation, and differentiation, as well as to respond to genetic or pharmaceutical interventions or survival in microenvironments. By combining the well-recognized XF assay for mitochondrial function (Cell Mito Stress Test) with substrate pathway specific inhibitors (etomoxir, UK5099, BPTES), these kits report multiple functional parameters, providing rich and robust data. The kits are supplied with validated reagents, standardized protocols, and easy-to-use Seahorse Analytics to enhance the user experience.

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