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Seahorse XF Hu T Cell Activation Assay Kit

Seahorse XF Hu T Cell Activation Assay Kit

Agilent Seahorse XF Hu T Cell Activation Assay Kit measures human (Hu) T cell activation response within several minutes of stimulation using Seahorse XF Analyzers. This is accomplished via measuring proton efflux rates (PER) associated with glycolytic pathway-dependent energy production, and is built on the principle that T cell activation is accompanied by a rapid switch in cellular energy production and intermediate demand to support effective proliferation, size expansion, and differentiation. Such principle is supported by recent advances in the field of immunology that recognize cellular metabolism as a primary driver and regulator of immune cell function and lineage commitment.

The kit contains Agilent-validated ImmunoCult Human CD3/CD28 T Cell Activator and 2-deoxy-D-glucose (2-DG) and is an optimal solution delivered by Agilent and STEMCELL Technologies partnership for interrogating and modulating T cell activation on the Seahorse XF platform. The ImmunoCult Human CD3/CD28 T Cell Activator from STEMCELL Technologies is a soluble tetrameric complex. It is easy-to-use and compatible with specially designed injection ports on Agilent Seahorse XF cartridges, reducing assay preparation time and improving assay reliability. Together with standardized protocols and cloud-based Agilent Seahorse Analytics software, the XF Hu T Cell Activation Assay Kit provides a robust measure of T cell activation with new insights.

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