
Product take-back in Canada

Agilent Canadian Customer: We appreciate your interest in ensuring your Agilent product is handled effectively at the end of its useful life. It is our intent to support you in a manner that enables you to make the best decisions regarding the disposal, refurbishment, and/or reuse of your equipment

If the above alternatives offered at //www.aozhou2n.com/environment/product/ do not apply to your case, please contact your local electronic waste recycler and/or disposal agency for additional information on the alternatives available in your area for handling electronic equipment at the end of its useful life. A list of environmental agencies in Canada is available at //www.epsc.ca/r_links.html which can provide information on the proper recycling and/or disposal procedures in your province.

If you have additional concerns or questions about this topic, please contact us at //www.aozhou2n.com/go/contactus.

Thank you for your business!
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