
Take-back FAQs

Q: What is WEEE?
A: Waste from Electrical and Electronic Equipment.
 Deals with the best available treatment, recovery & recycling of electrical and electronic equipment. Legislation applies in most EU countries from Aug 13, 2005. All EEE put on the market after that date have to carry the WEEE mark and have to be collected at the products end of life.

Q: Why do we need the WEEE directive?
 A: In Europe, over 90% of electrical and electronic equipment goes into landfill sites - around 6 million tones of waste every year.

Q: In which countries do the trade-in, trade-up and sell-off programs operate?
 A: Visit the trade-in trade-up page where you can check which countries in America, Asia and Europe are currently covered along with program rules.

Q: How do I find out if I can sell-off my unwanted model to Agilent for cash?
 A: Visit the trade-in trade-up page where you can check which models are eligible from the 'Most wanted' list.

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