ACT Labeled Products

Bravo Disposable Pipette Tips

The Agilent Bravo disposable pipette tips are the only certified pipette tips for use on the Agilent Bravo Liquid Handling Platform and AssayMAP Bravo heads. These lab automation solutions enable simplified sample preparation with consistent high accuracy, allowing labs to free up manual labor and run more samples while maintaining reproducibility. They address sample preparation needs for proteins, metabolites, as well as genomics and NGS applications. The Bravo disposable pipette tips offers:
  • Assurance that every tip meets our exacting accuracy and precision requirements
  • Optimal performance and low failures when used on the Agilent Bravo or AssayMAP Bravo heads
  • Reduced energy, water and waste during manufacturing
  • Recycling guide for the packaging and product contents
ACT Labeled Bravo Disposable Pipette Tips

Additional Information

Manufacturing Impact Reduction

The Petaluma, CA manufacturing facility where the Agilent Bravo disposable pipette tips are produced has implemented energy, water, and waste reductions within the last 5 years. Some examples of this include various equipment upgrades, a closed-loop water system, and a transition to hotrunner mold machines to reduce scrap.

Renewable Energy Use

The Petaluma, CA manufacturing facility where the Agilent Bravo disposable pipette tips are produced has an on-site solar energy system that can produce anywhere from 800,000 to 1.2 million kWh of renewable energy annually.

Responsible Chemical Management

The Petaluma, CA manufacturing facility where the Agilent Bravo disposable pipette tips are produced has a robust Environmental Management System (EMS) program. Furthermore, the Agilent Bravo disposable pipette tips do not contain any substances of concern as defined by ILFI's Red List, EU REACH SVHC, or GreenScreen Benchmark-1 chemicals.

Shipping Impact

The Agilent Bravo disposable pipette tips are manufactured in California, USA. For the US market, the Bravo pipette tips are distributed via Agilent's distribution center in Memphis, TN. For the EU and UK markets, the Bravo pipette tips are distributed via Agilenta??s distribution center in Germany.

Product Content

Most of the Agilent Bravo disposable pipette tips do not contain sustainable content as they are made of virgin resin. For the SKUs that do contain recycled content, they have been dematerialized and are manufactured using raw materials that contain biobased content as defined by ASTM D6866 and / or pre-consumer recycled content.

Packaging Content

The Agilent Bravo disposable pipette tips are packaged using shrink wrap and / or cardboard boxes. The cardboard boxes contain recycled content, resulting in a minimum of at least 20% by weight of sustainable content in the overall packaging system.

Energy Consumption

The Agilent Bravo disposable pipette tips do not consume energy during the use phase.

Water Consumption

The Agilent Bravo disposable pipette tips do not consume water during the use phase

Lifetime Rating

The Agilent Bravo disposable pipette tips are single-use with a short use-phase (one-time use). However, the racks and lids that hold the pipette tips may be used multiple times.

Packaging End-of-Life

Over 90% by weight of the Agilent pipette tips packaging is cardboard, which is readily recyclable across the US, EU, and UK markets. Shrink wrap can be recyclable, but it is not readily recyclable in every area. Agilent provides further education to customers on the recyclability of these materials. Please follow your organization's recycling protocols to dispose of these materials properly.

Product End-of-Life

Agilent Bravo disposable pipette tips are generally disposed of in a landfill or follow specific waste disposal protocols. The plastic materials that hold the tips, however, could be recycled in the US, EU and UK markets. Agilent provides further education to customers on the recyclability of these materials. Please follow your organization's waste guidelines to dispose of each material within this product properly.

Innovative Practices

The facility that manufactures the Agilent pipette tips has built an on-site e-beam sterilizer for sterile products, which eliminates radioactive waste creation and avoids additional shipping.

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 For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
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