
What is ACT Labeling?

Reduce your laba??s environmental impact with sustainability-driven innovations

Operate more sustainably while solving your scientific challenges and increasing productivity with Agilent products, technologies, and services. Our products are developed with resource conservation and reducing carbon footprint in mind, enabling scientists to meet their sustainability goals. We show scientists proven ways to incorporate sustainability into their daily work without compromising results. Select instruments are independently audited by and published by My Green Lab, an organization dedicated to improving the sustainability of science. Agilent has also enrolled in the program to facilitate the communication of material recycling instructions.

What is ACT Labeling?

The ACT Environmental Impact Factor Label was designed to address the need of both scientists and procurement specialists for clear, third-party verified information about the environmental impact of laboratory products. By emphasizing Accountability, Consistency, and Transparency (ACT) around manufacturing, energy and water use, packaging, and end-of-life, ACT makes it easy to choose more sustainable products. ACT Labeled products provide a baseline and framework for continuous improvement on how Agilent products are impacting the environment. Our customersa?? challenges, including environmental considerations, are the drivers for our innovation, which stems from careful consideration of everything from our suppliers and materials to product development and careful packaging.a??a??a??a??a??a??a??

Agilent ACT Labeled Products

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