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Microplate Custom Solutions

A Microplate for Any Workflow

Scientist working in a lab

Can’t find the microplate design you’re looking for? We’ll customize one for you

Did you know that most of our standard microplate products originated as custom design requests? That’s because our modular production process makes numerous product configurations possible. This approach also reduces the time and resources needed to produce your custom product. So you’ll receive your microplates quickly, with lower minimum order quantities. Custom labware is available as well, including tubes, tube strips, spin baskets, and unique injection-molded products.

If you are ready for a custom microplate design, and have your desired specifications and critical dimensions, use our request form to get started.

Why should I seek a custom microplate?

Your application is unique. While there are plenty of standard microplate options to choose from, the right microplate for your needs could be a variation of an existing product. For example, newly developed materials may not yet be available in the format you need. You might also have unique scale-up or scale-down requirements.

Adding a custom control reservoir well, a unique well bottom shape, or a proprietary binding matrix can give you a competitive edge. It can also boost your efficiency and bottom line. Using a microplate with custom specifications can also lower your cost per data point and improve:
  • Data quality
  • Processing time
  • Ease of use

How much customization is possible?

All of our microplate operations—including engineering, tooling, injection molding, assembly, quality control, and packaging—are performed under one roof. No request is too complex. Our services include:
  • Barcode printing and application
  • Surface charge treatment, vacuum plasma, and atmospheric plasma
  • Gamma irradiation sterilization
  • Logo hot stamping
  • Custom labeling and packaging
  • Powder filling
  • Ultrasonic welding
  • Filter material sourcing and shaping
  • Insertion of one or multiple filters (including frits)
  • Heat sealing
  • Thermoform packaging
  • UV cure adhesive bonding
We can encapsulate almost any media, and multiple layers of media, into configurations that will ensure the best results. What’s more, we can fill plates with your media, silica, ground glass, or diatomaceous earth. Drip directors are also available, as well as a half-skirt option.

What information will I need to provide?

Three key details will help us efficiently meet your requirements. 1. Tell us your exact protocol What are the sample volume and the number of wells on the plate? What are the characteristics of the component(s) you want to filter? If you need to share proprietary information, we can arrange a nondisclosure agreement. 2. Spell out your goals and metrics Do you need a 96-well microplate or a 48-well plate? Is a filter plate right for the job? Answering these types of questions will get you closer to sourcing the right microplate. 3. Let us know your business considerations Be sure to communicate your target price and delivery expectations—plus other requirements such as barcoding, powder filling, and heat sealing.

Many custom
microplates start
with a stock design

stock microplate Our product selection tool can help you find a standard microplate that we can customize. We’ll even send you a free sample. Browse standard products

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Agilent Microplates—the Microplates You Need From a Vendor You Can Trust
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A Microplate for Any Workflow
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