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Microplate Selection Tool

A Microplate for Any Workflow

Scientist working in a lab

Which microplate is the best fit for your method? Find out with our handy selection tool

Select your parameters and view all matching products instantly. Once you find the product you are interested in, you can order a free sample. If you don’t find what you’re looking for, be sure to with your unique specifications and dimensions.

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Well volume (mls)

Maximum volume per plate (mls)

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Well bottom shape

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Well volume (mls) Maximum volume per plate (mls) Number of wells Quantity per case Well shape Well bottom shape Max well (mm)

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Well volume (mls)

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Filter type Pore size Well volume (mls) Drip length Number of wells Quantity per case

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Plate height (mm)

Well volume (mls)

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Well bottom shape number

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Maximum volume per plate (mls)

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Not finding what you need? Get a custom solution.

Well volume (mls) Maximum volume per plate (mls) Number of wells Well bottom shape number Well format Max well (mm)

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Product number Well volume (mls) Number of wells Quantity per case Well shape Well bottom shape Description

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Well volume (mls) Number of wells Quantity per case Well shape Well bottom shape

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